Executive Team

Co-President: Roxolana (Roxie) Iwasykiw 

       Before Roxie was even born there had always been animals in her life, and naturally growing up with dogs and cats, in addition to being exposed to other animals, such as horses and pigs, she always knew that she wanted to be around them. At around 13 years-old Roxie adopted 2 lab-border collie mixed puppies, Tishen and Sheba, and raised them herself. From this experience she knew that she wanted to get more involved with animals, so in my first year she joined PAWS to learn more about how she can help. From being involved with the club Roxie knew that she wanted to continue working with animals and make it her life's passion. Roxie hopes to get into vet school in the near future and really take her passion for animals and turn it into helping people becoming better animal lovers, in addition to helping every animal that comes into her life.

       Currently, Roxie am co-president with her colleague, Ali, of PAWS and together they have set out to make PAWS more active in the community and really help out as many causes as we can. Our goal this year is to educate the McMaster and local community about the various animal rescues, hoping that you become more aware of the animal welfare issues that surround us both locally and globally, and aspire to help you help them throughout your life.

Co-President: Alexandra Crone

V.P. of Administration: Erin Fu

       Erin Fu is a third year student in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program. She will be the VP of Administration. She wanted to get involved with PAWS at McMaster because of her love for animals and her desire to help spread awareness of animal welfare issues. She hopes to help others learn more about animal welfare in the community, and also gain a deeper understanding herself.

V.P. of Finance: Michael Ryu

       Level IV Honour Life Sciences
Previously owned 5 dogs, a hamster and fostered two cats

Enjoy video games and DnD
Hopes to raise awareness of animal abuse and mistreatment.
Strong advocate of fostering animals!

V.P. of Promotions: Stephanie Koehl

       Stephanie is in her third year at McMaster studying computer science with a minor in psychology. She loves animals of all shapes and sizes, and has had dogs cats rabbits lizards and hamsters, but currently only has her golden doodle, Zelda. She hopes to make an impact with PAWS this year, or create an app to help her animal army take over the world.

V.P. of Public Relations & Volunteer Coordinator: Esther Moon

       Esther Moon - Esther is a second year student at McMaster studying Honours Molecular Biology and Genetics. In her spare time,  she volunteers at vet clinics and the Aviary. With a love for animals of all sizes, PAWS was a perfect fit. Esther has been in the club since her first year at McMaster.



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