Thursday 26 September 2013

1st General Meeting

Hello everyone, we now have a time and place for our first general meeting!

Hope to see you there!

PAWS Exec 2013/14

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Getting Involved / Becoming a Member

For those of you who are new and are interested in becoming a member of PAWS, we will be having our first general meeting Wednesday October 2nd. Here we will have a sign up for those new and returning members. And we will update the time and the location of the meeting asap. 

At the moment our club email is currently down, however, we will post as soon as it is up and running again. Feel free to email us if you have any interest or questions regarding PAWS, or could not make the general meeting and would still like to sign up. 

We hope to have a great year, and thank you for your patience.

PAWS Exec 2013/14

Welcome to PAWS@Mac!

Welcome to the PAWS@Mac website. Here you will be able to find all of our updated info on events, meetings, volunteer opportunities and more.  
Feel free to contact us or leave comments if you feel our website does not offer sufficient information, or if you have any general inquiries with or about PAWS.

Thank you!

PAWS@Mac Executive Team 2013/14