Saturday 30 November 2013

Calling for donations!

If you would like to bring a donation for Ladybird this Monday here is a list of some of the items they are in need of....

What we need:
  • Gift cards (i.e Petsmart, gas cards)
  • Dry cat and kitten food (preferably high quality brands)
  • Cat carriers
  • Cat beds
  • Cages and crates (small animal, cat, dog)
  • Exercise pens
  • Scratching posts
  • Cat trees and climbers
  • Cat toys
  • Cat treats
  • Litter boxes (all sizes)
  • Cat litter (all types)
  • Litter scoops
  • Small animal bedding (like Carefresh brand)
  • Timothy hay
  • Small animal chew toys
  • Gift items (for fund raising events)
  • Land to build our sanctuary on!

Thanks again! 


Hey PAWS Members!!!

Last week we had a very inspiring visit from Ladybird Animal Sanctuary, a local Hamilton animal rescue who work vigorously to save so many animals in need of homes and do everything to keep them happy, healthy and safe.

This Monday PAWS@Mac will be participating in Fundraising Monday in the student centre. We will be holding a raffle for some great prizes, selling gifts for your pets, taking orders for our PAWS mittens, and much more!

We are also asking for any donations that could go to the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary, this could include pet food, treats, collars, bedding, critter cages, toys, etc.

If you would like to help out this great organization but aren't able to volunteer, foster or adopt here's your chance. All donations and proceeds will be going to Ladybird to help continue saving animals.

Hope to see you all on Monday :)

PAWS@Mac Exec 2013/14

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Hey PAWS Members!

On Monday (Dec 2) we will be involved in McMasters clubs fundraising day. We will be selling gift bags, raffle tickets, and more.

We will also be taking orders for our PAWS@Mac mitten!!! Mittens will be sold for $10, not only will your paws be kept warm this winter the proceeds will go to keep animals in need warm and safe this season.

All proceeds go to the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary to help them rescue and care for animals in need.

Come out and support PAWS and Ladybird!
Hope to see you guys Monday :)

PAWS@Mac Exec 2013/14

Monday 18 November 2013


Hey everyone!!!

We have had a lot of you asking about fostering this year; how you can foster, what it involves, and where to go to find a foster animal. And to help you out more we have decided to bring in the experts.

This WEDNESDAY NOV 20 we will have the Ladybird Animal Sanctuary of Hamilton come to McMaster campus to answer your questions, talk to you about their animals and discuss the process of fostering an animal from the application to caring for that animal.

We will be in MUSC 302 from 6:30-7:30.

So come on out if you have questions about fostering, are ready to foster, or would like to just learn a bit more about it. All PAWS members and non-members are invited :)

Hope to see you all there.

PAWS@Mac exec 2013/14

Saturday 19 October 2013


Hey PAWS members!

Our first event is coming up!

     When: Wednesday October 23
     Where: Clubspace (MUSC 201)
     Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

We will start the night off with a talk from North Toronto Cat Rescue. Get informed about cat rescues and foster programs, how you can foster, what it takes, and why it's crucial in saving the lives of animals in shelters.

Then, we will be showing Cat City, a documentary following the crisis of feral cats in Toronto as well as the causes and consequences of overpopulation.

It should be a great night, hope to see you all there :)
Plus we have snacks!

PAWS@Mac Exec.


Hey PAWS Members!

PAWS@Mac will be participating in McMasters Trick-or-Eat meal exchange.

On Tuesday October 29, we will go door to door asking for can goods, non-perishable foods, and pet related donations. Food donations will go to local food shelters, and we will donate any pet items to a Hamilton animal shelter in need.

If you want a chance to dress up for Halloween and have a great time email asap and let us know if you would like to join our Trick-or-Eat team! (or you can rsvp on our Facebook event)

Can't make it but still want to help out the cause? You can donate through Trick-or-Eat to either the Mac or PAWS campaigns. Just follow the link

Hope to see you there!

PAWS@Mac Exec

Thursday 26 September 2013

1st General Meeting

Hello everyone, we now have a time and place for our first general meeting!

Hope to see you there!

PAWS Exec 2013/14

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Getting Involved / Becoming a Member

For those of you who are new and are interested in becoming a member of PAWS, we will be having our first general meeting Wednesday October 2nd. Here we will have a sign up for those new and returning members. And we will update the time and the location of the meeting asap. 

At the moment our club email is currently down, however, we will post as soon as it is up and running again. Feel free to email us if you have any interest or questions regarding PAWS, or could not make the general meeting and would still like to sign up. 

We hope to have a great year, and thank you for your patience.

PAWS Exec 2013/14

Welcome to PAWS@Mac!

Welcome to the PAWS@Mac website. Here you will be able to find all of our updated info on events, meetings, volunteer opportunities and more.  
Feel free to contact us or leave comments if you feel our website does not offer sufficient information, or if you have any general inquiries with or about PAWS.

Thank you!

PAWS@Mac Executive Team 2013/14

Saturday 16 March 2013

Drink coffee, Save the Ice!

All smiles at the coffeehouse!
Exec Team: Lauren, Janice, Andrew, Megan, Colleen, Rebecca
Missing: Adrianna

Our biggest event of the year was a success! A big thank you goes to our events coordinator, Andrew, who was in charge of this year's annual coffeehouse in collaboration with WWF@Mac. It was a lot of fun and for a great cause. All donations and proceeds are going towards World Wildlife Fund's Last Arctic Campaign. 

Please stay tuned for our upcoming final events. We will also be announcing the date of our end of the year social before exams start! Join the exec team for some food and fun! 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Annual Coffee House

Click on image for larger size

Join PAWS and WWF@Mac for an awesome night of live performances from Of Gentlemen and Cowards, Sapno Ritmo, Moist Theatre, and the McMaster School of Bhangra.
Tickets are $3 early bird, $5 at the door.

Please contact to purchase your early bird tickets.